My Soul to Keep

Image result for haunted woods

Story line: A group of friends go camping in the woods that are known to be haunted around this time of year. They go to disprove the idea of the woods being haunted but in the end no one makes it out.

Genre, Mood, and Tone: Horror/thriller genre. Restless, paranoid, and frightened mood. Suspenseful tone.

Visual Style: The film will be shot from morning to night.

Morning: The group will drive to the location, arrive at the location, and set up their camping equipment.

Noon: The group continue to set up and explore the woods before night falls. Group head back to camp site and wait for night to fall.

Night: The group begin to summon or call on the demon that reside the woods. All major dramatic events start to occur.

Special Needs: We will need: (Camping equipment)

Sleeping bags/tents

Group of 5 friends (Not including our crew of 3)

Equipment to start a fire


Wooded area to set up and use for our setting

2 to 3 cameras
